Note: This version of LogDog is depricated!
The new version of LogDog doesn't use nearly as much CPU, and has a much more flexable configuration file.
What is LogDog?
LogDog is a very easy to configure and install system log monitor for
watching system log files and emailing administrators when problems are found.
Note that LogDog sends email to REAL email addresses, and does not require
sendmail to be installed, it uses SendEmail which is also written by me and is included
with the LogDog package as of v0.94.4. LogDog has a single configuration file which
allows you to easily specify a list of key words to watch for, a list of words to ignore, a
list of administrators to email when problems are found.
Latest Version:
LogDog: logdog-   (15.1kb)   ChangeLog
How do I install it?
Simply download 'LogDog', extract the .tar file into a tempory directory,
and run the configure script. It will ask you a few questions and then copy the
progam and configuration file to where they belong. Running will
result in a usage summary. Typically you will just run ' -d' to
put it into daemon mode.
Why use LogDog?
LogDog began because I did not want to learn a biger more complex monitoring
package like 'mon'. I wanted something simple, flexible, reliable, and small.
I couldn't find anything quite like that, so I wrote LogDog. I have been using
it on production servers now for several months and it works great. It even
pages my cell phone if its after work hours :)
All Versions:
LogDog: logdog-0.94.6.tar.gz   (15.0kb)
LogDog: logdog-0.94.5.tar.gz   (13.2kb)
LogDog: logdog-0.94.4.tar.gz   (8.9kb)
LogDog: logdog-0.94.3.tar.gz   (7.2kb)
LogDog: logdog-0.94.1.tar.gz   (6.6kb)